Teaching Mathematics

Published On :2021-03-02 14:20:00

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What is Mathematics? 

        Mathematics is a science devoid of the creation and creativity of the human mind. In the past, mathematics was viewed as branches of traditionalism that, as whole, do not constitute mathematics, but now mathematics constitutes an integrated science.

Definitions of Mathematics:

  • A pattern of thinking for organizing logical evidence and determining the validity of a hypothesis.

  • A global, intellectual language of communication among people that has its unified symbols and expressions for everyone.

  •  An organized knowledge of an integrated sequential structure, starting with unidentified expressions, reaching mathematical theories and generalizations.

  • The science of patterns, sequences and sequences of life situations.

  • A coordinated art in which creativity and generation of ideas and mathematical structures are arranged, and includes the capacities of imagination and intuition.

Arithmetic: numerology, algorithms, and operations

Modern Algebra: The Science of Symbols, Equations, and Matrices.

Geometry: Built by Euclid and based on 5 intuitive ideas and 5 axioms. Like: all right angles are equal.

Analytical Geometry : Geometry + Algebra.

Riemann geometry: the sum of the angles of a triangle < 180.

Lobachevsky Geometry (hyperbolic geometry) Sum of angles of a triangle > 180.

Mathematical analysis: it is the disciplined study of infinite processes, and interest in the idea of infinity.