Matching and Job assignments

Published On :2021-10-26 10:03:00

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 Matching and Job assignments

Definition : A matching M in a graph is a set of edges , no two of which are incident with one another.

Ex :

** {(v1, v2),(v5, v6),(v3, v4)}

is a matching.

** {(v2, v6),(v3, v4)}

is a matching.

** {(v1, v2),(v3, v4)}

is a matching.

** {(v1, v2),(v5, v6),(v2, v4)}

is Not a matching.

Application:Suppose there are several employees in a company and a certain number of tasks . 

Each employee can perform a sub collection of these tasks how one can distribute these

 tasks to the employees such that each employee is assigned exactly one task.


We can think of this to be bipartite graph with vertices

{e1, e2, e3, e4, J1, J2, J3, J4}.

The problem is equivalent to find a matching where each elements of the set

{e1, e2, e3, e4}

is a vertex of one if the edges of this matching .

In general we call these kind of problems “Job assignment problem”.

{(e1, J1),(e2, J4),(e3, J2),(e4, J3)}


In this example , we can’t assign the four employee four different Jobs.