Jerome Bruner's theory and its applications in the teaching of mathematics

Published On :2021-03-02 21:03:00

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“We are storytelling creatures, and as children we

 acquire language to tell those stories that we have inside us.”

― Jerome Bruner

 Brunner believes that the teaching strategy works in several areas, which are:

(1) Creating a desire to learn by providing an environment in which students feel the freedom of mathematical thinking.

(2) Formation of mathematical knowledge to be presented in a form that can be understood by the child.

(3) Change the sequence of presenting the course according to the type of learner.

(4) Finding a kind of motivation in learning (such as challenges, mental arousal, curiosity)

Brunner has identified three methods of representing the curriculum, which are:

(1) Representative method.

(2) The pictorial method.

(3) The symbolic method.