Proof that A graph G is bipartite if and only if G does not contain an odd cycle .
Published On :2023-08-09 20:57:43
Theorem: A graph G is bipartite if and only if G does not contain an odd cycle.
Proof: Suppose G is bipartite.
Since odd cycles are not bipartite graphs, then G can’t contain an odd cycle.
→ Suppose G is a graph that does not contain an odd cycle.
Let v be a vertex of G.
Color the vertex v white.
Let u be any other vertex of G.
If the distance between u & v is odd, then color u black.
Whereas if the distance between u & v is even then color u white.
Suppose u1 & u2 are two vertices whose color is white.
Then the distance between v & u1 is even and the distance between v & u2 is also even.
If u1 & u2 are adjacent, then the cycle formed by the union of the path
between v & u1, the path between v & u2 and the edge u1 u2 is an odd cycle.
This is a contradiction since G has no odd cycle.
Thus the vertices whose color is white are not adjacent.
Similarly, we get any vertices whose color is black are not adjacent. So G is Bipartite.
Corollary: Trees are bipartite.