Zero Story

Published On :2021-05-02 01:39:00

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The assumptions  about the origin of the Indian numbers also differed about the zero. some of them says that the first texts such as the text "Sawyus Sage" and the Jacobite text talk about nine shapes or letters and do not talk about the zero if it is not in the Indian numbers 0 and then it is Arabic and put by the Arabs To complete the decimal system with it and another that says no, but we find the form of zero in Indian writings from the first century BC and then it is Hindi.

 Because the word 0 itself is a definition of the Hindi word zero, which is "shenga"

And another someone says that the late cuneiform writings indicate zero, and there is a reference to it in Ptolemy's astronomical tables, which are not far from the Indian form of zero.

 Before answering the original of 0 and how many inferred from the Arabic texts, the zero meaning void is an original Arabic word that was found before the Indian calculation and before Islam, then you should remember that zero in this context has two meanings or two functions, one of the meanings is nothing, and then the zero function is to indicate that.

As for the second function of zero, it is from the empty house to keep the order of the houses, and this is only necessary for the house numbering, but it was used to mean nothing.

And in advanced Arabic schemes such as Al-Fusul Al-Eqlidsi, Kushyar Origins, Al-Yacoubi History, Complementary Ibn Zahir Al-Baghdadi, and Ibn Al-Nadim Index it speaks of nine letters and with it a zero, which is a small circle, but when writing a line is placed over it, so if the scribe speeds up in his writing, the shape of the zero appears in the form σ the line meets the circle And zero in these books means the two meanings.

σ This figure appeared in Ptolemy's tables, so if the numbers were 9 letters in his Indian alphabet, then the zero apparently was not from these letters, and some Arabic manuscripts speak of the Roman zero, meaning Byzantine, and are written in the form and sometimes the scribe makes it, but whatever the scribe makes, he does not move away from The circle has a line above it, and because the Greek numbering contains delta and sigma, and they are close to the Roman 0, so this zero is likely an intruder to the Greek calendar and its origin is the Indian zero itself.

That Arabs did not invent the zero, but rather their merit in using them to fill in the empty contest. The merit of the Arabs was not limited to the Indian account in that they pulled it out in public circles and approved and published it. They also modified it so that they could dispense with Takht and sand. They also modified the structure of the normal fraction and also created the decimal fraction.