Graph coloring

Published On :2021-10-27 19:50:00

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 Graph coloring

Motivation: Many real life problems can be modeled by graphs require that the vertex set or edge set 

be partitioned into disjoint sets such that each items within a given set are mutually nonadjacent.

examples of these problems are schedule meeting, schedule 

exams (to aviod conflict), storing chemicals (to prevent interactions), …

**1) Vertex coloring and independent sets:

Definition : A (proper) vertex coloring of a 

graph G is an assigment of colors to the vertices so that adjacent vertices have distinct colors.

* A vertex coloring using k colors is called k-coloring.

* A graph that permits a k-coloring is called k-colorable.




So we have 3-coloring of G & we say G is 3-colorable.

Note that we can use only two colors to color G.

Note that we can use only two colors to color G.


Thus we have 2-coloring of G & we say G is 2-colorable.

Def: The chromatic number of a graph G, denoted by X(G), is the 

minimum number of colors needed for any proper k-coloring of G.

Ex: In previous example,


Observe that the minimum number of colors to have a proper coloring of G equals 2.

Remark:(1) If G is connected, then X(G) >= 2 .

(2) We have seen before, graph G is bipartite iff X(G) = 2 .

Ex: Find the chromatic number of C40 , Qn & T where T is any tree.

Observe that C40 , Qn & T are bipartit graphs. Thus

X(C40) = 2 ,

X(Qn) = 2 ,

& X(T) = 2 , for anytree T.

X(Kn) = n , for all n.

If we color a vertex v of Kn , then 

we can’t reuse this color & this is because all the other vertices of Kn are adjacent to v.

Thus each vertex will have a different color.

Remark: If G is a graph of order n & G is not Kn, then X(G) < n.

( Since G does’t equal , then G has two vertices say u & v that are not adjacent. We color 

u & v with the same color & thus we need less than n colors to color G)