Published On :2022-02-20 17:50:00

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    Dealing with data set manually is very hard, that's why there are a lot of software that provides different tools that help us make this process much easier and the most common tools are SQL( Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets) and SPREADSHEETS(like Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets), in this post, we will provide information and explain when to use SPREADSHEETS and when to use SQL

SPREADSHEETSMicrosoft Excel and Google Sheets)

 Is software that use cells in rows and columns to organize numbers and data with formulas and functions, and the most common software are Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets

Advantages of using spreadsheets or excel

  • We use it when we deal with small data set like less than a thousand rows
  • Much easier than SQL
  • We can visualize the data very easy
  • We can summarize the data using pivot tables
  • Compute quick statistics
Disadvantages of using spreadsheets or excel
  • Slow when dealing with a large data set
  • Can't store more than one million rows

SQL( Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets)

SQL stands for Structured Query Language. Data analysts use SQL to manage large databases and pull relevant data for business use. 

Advantages of using SQL

  • We use it when we deal with a large data set
  • Easy when combining data
  • Filtering data very fast
  • great of updating data
  • Faster than spreadsheets when manipulating data sets
  • Structured query language is exceptionally powerful
Disadvantages of using SQL
  • Harder than using spreadsheets or excel
  • SQL is less accessible than Excel
  • Hard to visualize